Time Table Management Software

It is user friendly & cost saving software. Net Custodian School Timetable software has been developed by highly skilled Software programming team of Decora Info Tech Pvt. Ltd. Our School timetable software has following features
• To mark the teacher’s attendance.
• To generate teacher’s timetable and class -time table automatically by just defining the work load.
• There are various constraint available in case of automatically generating the time table
• Fixed Periods
• Parallel Allocation
• Consecutive Allocation
• Subject Preference
• We just need to enter the basic detail ie.workload to get the desired output abiding by our constraints.
• To mark substitution from different wings in case teachers are absent.
• To mark substitution from same wing in case teacher is absent.

Avoids Clashes
Helps in Resource Allocation of labs, library etc.
Balances the workload of all teachers.
Gives optimized and best calculated time table.
Substitution can be marked on single click.

Biometrics system
It administers the attendance record of staff members . It is a biometrics based comprehensive attendance software for college and schools. It provides secure, automatic and robust attendance management software for college and schools.

• Regular Absentee Report
• Automatic Attendance System
• Monthly And Yearly Attendance Report
• SMS Facility For Special Announcement And Events

Benefits of Attendance Management Software:-
• Reduce Administration Work Load
• Better Staff And Student Attendance Management
• Improve Student And Staff Attendance Ratio